Heroic archtyepes describ
e the hero of the story. Being brave and bold, loving and sweet all the way to self loathing and scared. There are many deferent types of heroes, and these archtypes go with them like peanut butter and jelly. Every person is his (or her) own hero, and thus every person has their own archtype. And finding which one suits you is just the begining. Now There are many different types of heroes, defining who they are and what they're fighting for. Because of my buldging bisceps and gigantic, muscular thighs I am the hero as warrior. I'm a near god-like hero, and I happen to be facing physical challenges and external enenmies. No I jest, I jest! I am the Transcendent hero, of course my fatal blows do not come near those of such heros as The Crow, or others like Oedipus Rex, a man who killed the king and married his queen. Only to find out that the king was his father, and the queen his mother, upon finding out he ripped out his eyes and I believe killed himself. No my trivial conquests come no where near to that extreme. Mine normaly end up somthing like, a mistake or joke, perhaps I'm acting too weird, and somehow it ends up starting things and losing friends. But in the end it all proves a lesson. I clearly remember one time my own prcrastination caused me to fail a paper! In the very class! I learned that if I want to pass I have to kick it in to high gear. I'm sure there are many more tiny situation where I have no one to blame but myself, but right now I cannot seem to recall. Huh.