But there was a topic that I wanted to discuss that wasn't on you list Mrs. V. So I wanted to adress it. And that is Who can save the hero? Who will be there when he falls, to sweep him up and fix him? Who can save someone who is trying to save so many people? There is a simple answer to this question; you can't save the hero. Just like you cannot save the villian, it's a two sided coin, but they both end the same. On the floor one side up, the other hidden by the ground one side will win. While the other's face is in shame on the floor. And you can't take it back, sure you can do two out of three, but that flip is going to stay that way. One side won. One side lost. Simple, you can't change the outcome, you can predict it. And you can stand over the coin and watch it eagerly, but if you touch the coin it doesn't count. This is the same for the hero; you cannot interfear. It will always be this way and it won't be changing anytime soon. The Villian can join the hero and the hero can join the villian. But after that they still can't be saved. A hero can't be helped and a villian can't be helped. The hero of the story will face this and he'll realize that you can take his eyes and make him blind, but you can't give him the gift of sight back. The hero of the story can't be saved. He doesn't need to be.