So the hero must go on a journey, learn a lesson, change in some way, and return home. Return home, while learning a lesson, and after going on a journey. The hero of the story has to change right? For better or for worse, he changes. Weither we want him to or not, he becomes a differnet person. He may become bitter over time like Batman or Shilo in Repo! The Genetic Opera. They may continue on defending their people, like Superman or Spiderman. So far my journey away from home hasn't exactly been away. I work with my dad, I'm always home and the only time I've ever had total freedom was the orchestra trip in Colorado. Where I was me one hundred percent. And I loved it. I never wanted to leave Colorado, I wanted to be there with my friends and not go back home. But I did, I don't regret it I love my family, but apart of me wishes I was still there. I learned how to ski so that was a lesson I took away, but I learned another lesson. That friends are just as good as family, if not better. I guess it's because I live with my family and I'm used to them, but while I was there it was just like I was home. It was great, I love all the girls I satyed with, and now we're closer than ever before. And I truely think that friends will be there for me, and understand me when family cannot. Friends are a family all on their own, and it's great to be apart of that family. That was the lesson my journey ended with, and that hit me on the way back home. On the bus back, that ride was a bittersweet ride.