The mentor; the person who starts the hero up, the teacher. He (or she) teaches his (or her) aprentice everything they know, in hopes that they too will be a great hero. But in Obi Wan Kenobi's case his young padawan turned to the dark side and became Darth Vader. Everyone has a mentor, weither they are aware of it or not is their own doing, and that mentor is there constantly. Even if passed away, see
Star Wars people, you will get my jokes then. My own mentor could be my parents, they have taught me everything, and I am greatful for that. But I believe the mentor has to be someone not related to you. Someone who takes you on without request and lets you under their wing. For that I have many mentors, my every day teachers, who teach everything to me, without them I would not know anything. Sure some of them might not get along with me that well, but they still continue to deal with me, and I learn everything I need to know. (You know full well who you are, teachers who dislike my loud behavior.) And just like Obi Wan and Anakin, you set me up for my own choice, weither I follow your teachings or not that is up to me. Hopefully you'll never have to burn my flesh off in a huge volcano. Because that would not be too pleasant for either of us. The gift I have recieved from my mentors is not flunking out of high school. (It is only my first year.) But the gift continues, I have passed every grade so far, and none of them have yet failed me.So I must have very good teachers, for which my parents are greatful for.