Shadow, the thing the Hero of the story would like to eliminate. The one thing Stopping him from eternal glory, the main villian. Heman's Skeletor, Batman's Joker, King Leonidas and the Spartans had the Persians. The antagonist; the badguy. The main reason the hero is there, and without him there would be no hero, without the antagonist there'd be no reason for the hero. Without 'Bangbabies' there would be no Static Shock. The only real thing that makes the hero the hero, is the badguy. Sure the little guys along the way would get him some credit, but there will be no eternal glory without the downfall of this shadow. That could range from a person, to an animal to an inner conflict within the hero himself. The villian is there to maim and destroy life and the people who enjoy that life. And the protagonist is there to simply defeat him. There is no deeper thinking beyond that fact, otherwise the hero loses and he goes down as a failur. But that spot is usually reserved for the villians. Think Retro cartoon Batman, he and the Joker had multiple incounters, talking, fighting, defeating. Thus went the pattern for every other Batman villian, there was no losing for the B-man. That wasn't an option. And if the hero did lose there was no enternal glory, no girl of his dreams, there was nothing. And believe me no one's got it all, but for the hero he couldn't afford to lose. It starts out that the hero most likely will not know the villian. When He begins his adventures is when he truly meets the shadow. And currently I have not met my villian, I haven't found that looming shadow, that antagonist in my story. Sure I have found lesser evils along the way, but the main villian has yet to announce itself to me, heck it could be a Harvey Dent character. (In the Dark Night.) It starts out as a hero and ends up as a bitter force, focused on crushing the hero of the story. And unfortunatly the hero has to destroy his once friend. But my shadow is still lurking around, and I have no clue what it could be at this point in my story, I mean it is only the begining after all.