You all know the early villian, the 'Threshold Guardian'. The one who starts out as your 'arch-enemy' and then you guys end up being best friends forever? Yeah, the best example I get is Poke'mon's Gary Oak. You all know him, you might hate him, but I sure don't. Ash's first day and child hood enemy Gary Oak has a car full of Poke'mon and women. Already starting his adventures, but within the tenth season Gary is all like "Oh, Ash I cannot possibly catch the Poke'mon without you!" And Ash says, "Sure Gary I mean we are friends now, and everything." BAM! Friendship, he started out being the harcore villian that Ash was sure to defeat in Poke'mon battles, but he always lost. This gave him his drive to continue. The person who is most like this to me wold be my very own sister. At the very begining of our sisterhood it was a constant struggle for attention. It often lead to fists fights and all out war fare, and if you know my imagine my sister. A full on force of indestructible power and pure anger. But that was way back then, now I can honestly say I wouldn't know what to do without her. She's my favorite person in the world, and I wouldn't trade her in for anything! She's my best friend and like Gary and Ash we no longer have strange drawn out Poke'mon battles. I mean that would be weird.