A quest, a journey, an errand and many other words that mean the exact same thing. Everyone's journey is as unique as the actualy hero type it's self. My quest is set in stone, I am to be the fool. Simple as that, well while being the fool I have a quest. Mine is simple and somewhat elegant. Maybe, in a sense it's a tiny bit elegant. Well, not really. My quest is to find the holly grail and slay at least one dragon in my life-time. No I'm kidding again, maybe I should be more serious about this? Oh well, my fool's errand is to become a comic artist. I want to write and draw my own comics, but that's only step one of the plan. I'm going to go to some well known art college and get a masters in comic art, while of course taking other classes like digital coloring, and canvas prints. But I would also like to be a author, I'm
writing my own stories and I need to work on editing them. Hopefully one will be published by next year, but those are high hopes. The way to hope ove the obsticles blocking my way to triumph over evil is simple. Finish school, with great englishs classes. (Needed for both of my careers.) Go to art college and talk to publishers for my books, that's right books as in multiple stories. You should be proud I can actually write anything Mrs. Vaughn? I hope you are, I pretty much have my life planned out, and that is my quest and I'm on my foolish errand. And one day maybe Steph Meyer will be my best friend. But that's a big step; who knows?