This part confuses me, and I have asked about it. I think I just talk about my adventures so far, like this is what I have been doing and this is what I'm going to do stuff. The hero meets monsters or monstrous men, and of course I am the hero so my monsters would most likely be myself. I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. I am my greatest weakness, always self consious, always second guessing myself and I'm always guilty. Not to mention I feel like I have to be someone perfect and please everyone else, or I've failed. So basically I'm Atlas, move too far and the world falls, I can't put it down, and while I'm thinking of a way to get away I'm slowly losing all feeling in my back. Soon my back will snap, and I might break my neck and die. It's an all lose situation, and no matter what I'll lose. And whenever something is about me people seem to think it's always about me and I feel worse. More so than I already did, I am my biggest monster, and I am the thing I will have to overcome. But sometimes that just seems so... impossible. I just seem so impossible to me.