I've been the shoulder they cried on, and I will continue to be, even after high school, when I'm famous. Ahem.
The following Ladies are Maelene, Gabbi and Jasmine!

I never, ever want to see these girls sad and they brighten my day more than anything. Gabbi I've known for forever, and even if we weren't friends at the time, I'm glad we are now! Maelene is my Wifey/Wifu. Whenever times are hard we go to Vegas and get married all over again! Hahaha, who needs boys when you have a fabulous set of friends?! We all have the same interests and we all look like dorks half of the time, but hey, who cares? Jasmine is the sweetest girl I know, and we've known eachother ofr a while, but now I think we're totally cool with each other. Right? Right Jasmine? Hahah! I bet she thinks I'm so weird but oh well, she thinks that about Gabbi too. (I have other friends who I love, but I've known them longer. I should have like ten pages to talk about all of my friends! Kelsey, Lauren, Luke, Marker, and many more!) I love these girls and we have pacts like, "Hey if you see him coming down the hallway make a bird call so I know he's there and I can run the other way." And somehow we managed to spend one hundred and thirty eight dollars, and forty cents! At TGI Fridays! What? I know, it was tragic, but well worth it. "Hey why was our waitress so slow, I wanted a hot guy! He looks like Roxas, you know if he was real." Hahah! I love them, and Hopefully they took a bunch of pictures of Akon or I'm going to have to punch them! Here's looking at you Gabbi! Of course when compared to these ladies, I'm the sidekick, because they're all amazing! And you know what? I don't mind it one bit.