Or ROP if you will, the thing that allows you to become the hero. Weither it be training or, saving a life, or maybe just being born. They were chosen to be the hero of the story before birth. This 'right of passage' is different for many people; for some it's saving their daughter. Or stopping theives. Whatever it may be it happens; and it starts off the whole story. Giving the protagonist his purpose, and setting up for the climax, all from the ROP. For Despereaux it was being brave that dove him into the rat's nest. A simple characteristic of the little mouse was his right of passage, and there are many more heros who also have a ROP. I think that mine came to me when I was young. My sisters and parents shapped me into the person I am today, and their efforts and my respons to that was my right of passage. It was my entrance into this world as a 'hero'. As the hero who will be her own down fall. This ROP wasn't really done by me, but I had many things to prove to my family, and I overcame them. (Almost all of them). And I strongly believe that, that was my right of passage; and I happened to somehow pass it. It might not be with flying colors, but at least I'm able to be a hero and not a villian.